Mount Rosarian’s, at Santhekatte – Kallianpur, unite together to celebrate, Titular Feast of their patroness, ‘Our Lady of Holy Rosary’,
Photographs by: Peter Lewis / Praveen Cutinho.
Kemmannu News Network, 07-10-2023 14:40:55
Mount Rosarian’s, at Santhekatte – Kallianpur, unite together to celebrate,
Titular Feast of their patroness, ‘Our Lady of Holy Rosary’, on 7th October, 2023, with passionate devotion and allegiance.
It is / was a pleasant Saturday. More than that, a festive look in the ‘Mount Rosary Church Compound’ with the Brass band playing tunes of the devotional hymns and popular songs, as the joy of the faithful gathered here was escalated to enter the House of God.
At sharp 10.00 am Holy Thanksgiving festal Eucharist was concelebrated by a host of guest priests close to couple of dozens of the Kallianpur deanery, those served earlier, as well as from the surrounding parishes. The Main celebrant was Rev. Fr Philip Neri Aranha, the former Vicar of Mount Rosary and incumbent parish priest of St Teresa Church Kemmannu.
In the introduction, Ms Ashlee DSouza, Diocesan ICYM President, explained the background of this feast day, our ‘Queen of Holy Rosary’, also known as Our Lady of Victory, an anniversary of the decisive victory of the combined fleet of holy league of 1571 over the Ottoman navy at the battle of Lepanto on this day……. We the Rosarian’s are fortunate and blessed, to have the Mother of Jesus as our Patroness… and welcomed all the priests and faithful to join the thanks giving Holy Mass…..
The melodious Choir of the parish led by Mrs Jovita Fenandes with both talented singers and experienced musicians was at its usual best…….with selected hymns for this special occasion.
While breaking the word of God, in his homily, Fr Philip Neri started with a story, then he stressed on unique features of Mother Mary’s life, which progressed hand in hand with Joseph and Jesus. It was very touching to the hearts when he referred Michelangelo’s marble sculpture, Madonna, , while holding the dead body of Jesus Christ, taken down from cross, in her laps and holding the His hands in her hands – that is the power of Mother Mary….!
He also went back to rewind our ancestors’ simple Catholic living, about couple of centuries ago. With devout prayers of Simple Rosary everyday both as collective community worship and in private, how it helped our ancestors to keep their faith intact – both as immigrants from Goa in unknown Canara and later during captivity under Sultan of Mysore in 1784 till 1799.
He asked the faithful to imbibe three qualities from Mother Mary – Prayerful life, Faith in God, and Service to the needy and downtrodden as the short cut path to Heaven. Let us try to imitate, Mother Mary to do self inspired charity in the family, parish and society……. ‘at times it takes great confusion, turmoil in our mind and soul to reach to the place of submission or taking a decision….Spirit of Mother Mary……in her total submission must be our strength to tide over difficult moments……’ he concluded the sermon.
We the Rosarians’ in Santhekatte – Kallianpur are Blessed, to have the Mother of Jesus as our Patroness, as Parish Priest Rev Dr. Roque DSouza conveyed Festal Greetings, also on behalf Fr Oliver Nazareth to all parishioners gathered in the Church, at home and abroad and he took this opportunity to express thanks to all the guest priests, the parishioners, the Pastoral Council, Gurkars, Finance Committee, Sisters of the Convents, all pious associations in the Church and 20 pastoral Commissions……
The main celebrant of the Thanksgiving High Mass, our former Parish Priest now Vicar of neighbouring Kemmannu, Rev Fr Philip Neri Aranha was specially honoured whiles him completing 25 years of priesthood.
Ordained as priest on 20th April, 1998, rich tributes were paid as the parishioners remembered his leadership and service to our parish, especially to have this spacious House of God, inaugurated and blessed on 6th January, 2015. Rector of the Milagres Cathedral draped traditional shawl, Parish Priest Rev Fr Roque DSouza garlanded, Asst Vicar Fr Oliver Nazareth, Vice President Mr Luke DSouza, Mrs Daisy Mendonca, Co-ordinator 20 Commissions joined to present bouquet, fruit basket and memento along with Maanpotr read out by Secretary Mrs Priya Furtado and presented to the jubilarian. In reply to the honour, Fr Aranha, thanked all the parishioners, called back his 7 years as Vicar, and earlier as Deacon, in Mount Rosary which always remained fresh and pleasant he told.
Main sponsors / Pirjenth, Louis DSouza and family, Holy Rosary Ward, & Donors of Water Coolers Mr Aroza were specially honoured with candles by the Dean of Kallianpur Varado, V. Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca.
The occasion also marked with yet another landmark event – release of Mother Mary’s The Magnificent, song of praise or Mary’s Canticle in Konkani – ‘Moryechen Stuthi Gayan’ sung by Slania Noronha from Karkal Town, on Tube Tube channel, which was beautifully composed by a great Musician Rev Fr. Clement Muscarenhus, (credited for dozens of CDs / religious music he, along with V. Rev Fr Valerian Mendonca) who too served in this parish as Assistant Priest in his hey days in 1984 – 86.
Earlier, Rector and Vicar Vara V. Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca, while conveying the festal greetings to all gathered, gave a brief background of this Hymn and its recording and remembered all musicians and singers who deserve appreciation and credit. He also congratulated the Jubilarian Fr Aranha and Parish priests and parishioners for their gratefulness and remembrance of their one time pastor in Fr Philip Neri whose services specially confined to Kallianpur Deanery – Milagres, Mount Rosary, Barkur and now in Kemmannu, is a divine blessing, he observed.
The parish family prepared well with Nine Days Novena prayers, especially for various needs and intentions, citation of Holy Rosary, etc since 27th September, 2023. And today’s liturgy was well arranged by Fr Oliver Nazareth, the assistant Vicar and the pastoral liturgical team, coordinated by Sr. Ancilla DMello……
As the Holy Mass concluded around 11.45, all present were served with cakes and soft drinks by the main sponsors of the feast. ICYM / YCS Volunteers’ made systematic arrangements to distribute the same. They also decorated the Grotto for this feast. Though it was a Saturday a working day for many, the parishioners enthusiastically participated in large number.
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